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Saturday, 11 June 2016

ADF Basics: Use transient attribute to show description of selected value in case of input and combo Lov

In ADF often We apply LOV on a ID attribute to show it's Description to user, This works good in case of choice list (selectOneChoice) but if we use Input Text with List of Values (<af:inputListOfValues>) or Combo Box with List of Values (<af:inputComboboxListOfValues>) then after selection ID appears on page instead of  Description like this

So to avoid this we apply LOV on a transient attribute that shows Description and sets ID value DB attribute, See how to implement this

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Open af:inputListOfValues popup by calling JavaScript programmatically

af:inputListOfValues provides option to open Lov values in a popup and allow user to search, We can open this popup by clicking on magnifying glass icon

Recently I have seen a thread on OTN forum where user wants to open lov popup on a button click after checking some conditions and also found a post by Frank Nimphius Where he used javascript to open Lov popup on double click of mouse.
So guess what I have done ? ;)
Just called that javascript fucntion programmatically on button click

Saturday, 4 June 2016

ADF Basics: Count number of records in LOV using LOV Accessor

Hello All

This post is about a simple requirement - How to count number of records in a LOV ?
I have seen this type of threads on OTN forum so here I am writing about it

We can make use of LOV Accessor to  count number of records in LOV as per selected source viewObject record, Here I am using Departments and Employees table of Oracle HR Schema

Monday, 23 May 2016

Execute batch file from Java Code using Runtime class

We can call any exe file from Java code using Runtime class, Runtime class extends Object class and introduced in JDK1.0

What docs says-

Every Java application has a single instance of class Runtime that allows the application to interface with the environment in which the application is running. The current runtime can be obtained from the getRuntime method.
An application cannot create its own instance of this class.

Here we will see how to execute .exe and .bat file from javacode, for executable files we just pass file path and Runtime class will invoke it. But for batch file we have to first open supporting application i;e Command Promt and then provide path for batch file

See Java Programs for both case:

Friday, 20 May 2016

Navigate to another page on value change event of ADF input component

Recently I have seen a thread on OTN forum in that user want to navigate from one page to another on valueChangeListener of input component.

First Method-
This is a simple piece of code to perform navigation to specific page , Use it in ValueChangeListener directly

 FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
 facesContext.getApplication().getNavigationHandler().handleNavigation(facesContext, null, "controlFlowName");

Second Method-
ValueChangeListener fires when value of input component changes but it is not meant for navigation, For navigation we use buttons and links with Action property
But for this requirement we have to be a bit tricky, We can queue button Action on value change listener of inputText to navigate to another page
Now first value change listener will be executed and then it'll queue button action to execute and as final outcome user will be able to navigate