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Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Facebook, Twitter, Google - Create large share buttons using JavaScript

This post is not like my other posts (ADF & Java), It is about creating custom large share buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Google+
Actually this share functionality of social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc) works on a particular url pattern

Let's take example of Facebook , to share any url on Facebook just pass that url as a parameter in this url
See when i open this url on browser (I have passed in url parameter) , it shows standard Facebook share page

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Set EL expression in value (properties) of programmatically created ADF Faces component

When we are working with ADF Faces components programmatically then we  create , set styles,set value of that component from managed bean
This post is about setting an expression as component value that will be resolved at run time and return desired value

Monday, 17 August 2015

Showing HashMap values in af:table using af:iterator

Previously i have posted about populating af:table programmatically using List Data Structure
Populate af:table programmatically from managead bean using POJO

This post covers same topic but this time requirement is different , we have a HashMap in managed bean and requirement is to show it's values on page in a table view
See Managed Bean code-

    //HashMap and it's accessors
    private HashMap<String, String> valMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

    public void setValMap(HashMap valMap) {
        this.valMap = valMap;

    public HashMap getValMap() {
        return valMap;
    // Object array to store key values of HashMap
    public Object[] getKeySet() {
        return getValMap().keySet().toArray();

Added two inputText on page and a button to add new key and value to HashMap,

<af:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
                    <af:inputText label="Key" id="it1" contentStyle="width:100px;"
                    <af:inputText label="Value" id="it2" contentStyle="width:100px;"
                    <af:button text="Add" id="b1" actionListener="#{viewScope.ShowHashMapAsTable.addValuesToMap}"/>

Now code on button that get value of both inputText using component binding and add it to HashMap, at run time this form will be used to add new values to HashMap and table

    //Component Binding of inputText to get values
    private RichInputText keyTextBind;
    private RichInputText valueTextBind;

    public void setKeyTextBind(RichInputText keyTextBind) {
        this.keyTextBind = keyTextBind;

    public RichInputText getKeyTextBind() {
        return keyTextBind;

    public void setValueTextBind(RichInputText valueTextBind) {
        this.valueTextBind = valueTextBind;

    public RichInputText getValueTextBind() {
        return valueTextBind;

    /**Add new value to HashMap
     * @param actionEvent
    public void addValuesToMap(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        if (keyTextBind.getValue() != null && valueTextBind.getValue() != null) {
            valMap.put(keyTextBind.getValue().toString(), valueTextBind.getValue().toString());


Now Bean Part is done , see how to configure af:table to show HashMap values, table is mapped to array of keySet and an iterator is used inside table that derives value using key attribute -

<af:table var="row" rowBandingInterval="0" id="t1" value="#{viewScope.ShowHashMapAsTable.keySet}"
                        <af:iterator id="i1" value="#{viewScope.ShowHashMapAsTable.valMap}" var="cVal">
                            <af:column sortable="false" headerText="Key" id="c2">
                                <af:outputText value="#{row}" id="ot4" inlineStyle="font-weight:bold;color:darkblue;"/>
                            <af:column sortable="false" headerText="Value" id="c1">
                                <af:outputText value="#{cVal[row]}" id="ot3"/>

Now all done , run and check the application
 Add New Value (1)
  Add New Value (2)

Sample Application- Download (Jdev 12.1.3)
Cheers :) Happy Learning

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Set ADF Faces Component properties using custom javascript

This post is about using JavaScript in ADF Faces to change default properties , sometimes using JavaScript can make task easier and all scenarios covered in this post are based on very common requirement. One important point is - set clientComponent property of component to true when using JavaScript on that
Why this is important ? (Check what docs say)

whether a client-side component will be generated. A component may be generated whether or not this flag is set, but if client Javascript requires the component object, this must be set to true to guarantee the component's presence. Client component objects that are generated today by default may not be present in the future; setting this flag is the only way to guarantee a component's presence, and clients cannot rely on implicit behavior. However, there is a performance cost to setting this flag, so clients should avoid turning on client components unless absolutely necessary

Read more about clientComponent property - Understanding ADF Faces clientComponent attribute

Set panel group layout properties-

Use this JavaScript function to set panel group layout's layout and other properties

 <!--Function to set panelGroupLayout properties-->
              function changeGroupLayout(evt) {
                  var pgl = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('pgl1');
                  pgl.setProperty("layout", "vertical");
                  pgl.setProperty("inlineStyle", "background-color:red");

I have called this function using client listener on a image that is inside my panel group layout

<af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1" layout="horizontal" clientComponent="true">
                    <af:image source="#{resource['images:5-10.jpg']}" id="i1" inlineStyle="width:250px;height:200px;"/>
                    <af:image source="#{resource['images:13.jpg']}" id="i2" inlineStyle="width:250px;height:200px;">
                        <af:clientListener method="changeGroupLayout" type="dblClick"/>
                    <af:image source="#{resource['images:1.jpg']}" id="i3" inlineStyle="width:250px;height:200px;"/>

Initially group layout is horizontal-

After executing JavaScript on double click on second image-

Set input component property (inlineStyle, contentStyle, value etc)-

This function is same as previous one , this function sets value in input text , changes it's contentStyle

<!--Function to set af:inputText properties-->
              function changeInputText(evt) {
                  var iText = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('it1');
                  iText.setProperty("value", "Ashish Awasthi");
                  iText.setProperty("contentStyle", "background-color:red;color:white;font-weight:bold;");


Called this function on double click event in inputText-

<af:inputText label="Label 1" id="it1" clientComponent="true" unsecure="disabled">
                        <af:clientListener method="changeInputText" type="dblClick"/>

Output is like this-
 on double click inside inputText

In same way we can set disabled property of component . It is a secure property of component , that should not be changed from a client side event normally but if this is a requirement then we have to set disabled in unsecure property of input component. Only disable property is supported as of now
Read more about this property -<af:inputText>

Set panelSplitter width according to browser window width-

This JavaScript function divides af:panelSplitter in equal parts to fit in browser

 <!--Function to set panel Splitter position-->
              function changePanelSpliterPosition(evt) {
                  var width = window.innerWidth;
                  var ps = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('ps1');
                  ps.setProperty("splitterPosition", width / 2);

In same way try setting other properties of different components. Soon i will update this post with some more JavaScript functions and examples

Cheers :)  Happy Learning

Monday, 3 August 2015

Iterate over HashMap to get Key and Value in Java , Add records to HashMap

Iterating over HashMap is not same as other collections , It's a bit tricky than normal iteration ;)
See in this code -
How to add values to HashMap ?
and How to iterate over HashMap to get Key and Values?

package client;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class IterateHashMap {
    public IterateHashMap() {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        HashMap<Integer, String> mapVal = new HashMap<Integer, String>();

        //Add values to Map
        mapVal.put(1, "value 1");
        mapVal.put(2, "value 2");
        mapVal.put(3, "value 3");
        mapVal.put(4, "value 4");

        //Create Iterator from keySet
        Iterator iter = mapVal.keySet().iterator();
        //Iterate over hashmap to get key
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            int key = (Integer);
            //Use this key to find value
            String value = mapVal.get(key).toString();
            System.out.println("**KEY**  " + key + " AND VALUE**  " + value);


Cheers :) Happy Learning