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Tuesday, 6 May 2014

ADF Basics : Selecting and showing time-stamp in ADF Faces using af:inputDate & af:convertDateTime

Hello All
This post is about a very common & basic requirement of developers ,
how to show & select time with date in ADF Faces ?
We use af:inputDate to show and select Date & Timestamp type of attributes, by default it looks like this

ADF provides a default converter (af:convertDateTime) to format date & timestamp field, we can define a pattern to change it's format & to show time selector in calendar box

Suppose pattern is- dd-MMM-yyy HH:mm:ss , now see there is a hour/minute/second selector appears in calendar box

you can change this pattern as per your format , suppose you want to show AM or PM after time just use dd-MMM-yyy HH:mm:ss a

see xml source of af:inputDate-

<af:inputDate label="Label 1" id="id1" contentStyle="width:250px;padding:5px;">
                        <af:convertDateTime pattern="dd-MMM-yyy HH:mm:ss a"/>

this is how we can change format of Date & Timestamp - Cheers :-)

Friday, 2 May 2014

Pre-populate selected values in viewObject based shuttle component (multiple selection)- Oracle ADF

Hello All,
This post talks about a common development requirement
while using shuttle component sometimes we need to show some values on selected side of af:selectManyShuttle , so to do this normally we use a custom shuttle component that is populated from managed bean code
but when i have all data in a viewObject so why should i iterate viewObject to get all data in managed bean and then set some values in an arrayList to populate selected shuttle values.
it is time consuming and requires lot of coding, so for viewObject based shuttle we can do it in efficient way.

  • In this example I'm using Departments table of HR schema to populate af:selectManyShuttle, i think you all know how to create a shuttle in ADF
  • So next is to populate selected shuttle values on some event, created a fusion web application using Departments table

  • It's time to drop Departments ViewObject on page as shuttle component

  • <af:selectManyShuttle value="#{bindings.Departments1.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.Departments1.label}"
                                          id="sms1" size="15" binding="#{pageFlowScope.ShuttleSelectBean.shuttleBind}"
                        <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.Departments1.items}" id="si1"/>
                        <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Departments1.validator}"/>

  • So suppose on a button click i want to set selected values in shuttle, so i have created a actionEvent for button in managed bean and binding of af:selectManyShuttle, so basic structure of page is like this

  • See the code of actionEvent , create an arrayList and add all values in it that you want to set as selected values and then just set the value in shuttle using binding

  •     /**Method to set selected values in af:selectManyShuttle
         * @param actionEvent
        public void selectValuesShuttle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            DCIteratorBinding iter = (DCIteratorBinding) getBindingsCont().get("Departments1Iterator");
            ViewObject vo = iter.getViewObject();
            RowSetIterator rsi = vo.createRowSetIterator(null);
            ArrayList listVal = new ArrayList(20);
            while (rsi.hasNext()) {
                Row nextRow =;
                if (nextRow.getAttribute("DepartmentId") != null) {
            shuttleBind.resetValue();// Reset Shuttle Component
            System.out.println("Setting values -" + listVal);
            shuttleBind.setValue(listVal.toArray()); // Setting selected values 

  • Now run this page and test your shuttle component

  • Cheers- Happy Coding

  • But this method works only when you have to set values on some action or other event after page load, because before page load , binding of shuttle component will not be accessible
  • So if you have a requirement of setting selected values on page load then you must use a list defined in managed bean and bind it to  value property of shuttle component, value property denotes selected values of shuttle 

  • And just write same code on getter of List, in this case selected values in shuttle are populated on page load

  •     List pageLoad = new ArrayList(20);
        public void setPageLoad(List pageLoad) {
            this.pageLoad = pageLoad;
        public List getPageLoad() {
            DCIteratorBinding iter = (DCIteratorBinding) getBindingsCont().get("Departments1Iterator");
            ViewObject vo = iter.getViewObject();
            RowSetIterator rsi = vo.createRowSetIterator(null);
            while (rsi.hasNext()) {
                Row nextRow =;
                if (nextRow.getAttribute("DepartmentId") != null) {
            return pageLoad;

    Cheers- Use both method as per your requirement :-) Download Sample App

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Clear af:table filter programmaticallty , reset table filter in 12C (ADF)

Code to reset or clear af:table filter- here searchTabBind is the binding of af:table

     * method to reset filter attributes on an af:table
     * @param actionEvent event which triggers the method
    public void resetTableFilterAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        FilterableQueryDescriptor queryDescriptor = (FilterableQueryDescriptor) getSearchTabBind().getFilterModel();
        if (queryDescriptor != null && queryDescriptor.getFilterConjunctionCriterion() != null) {
            ConjunctionCriterion cc = queryDescriptor.getFilterConjunctionCriterion();
            List<Criterion> lc = cc.getCriterionList();
            for (Criterion c : lc) {
                if (c instanceof AttributeCriterion) {
                    AttributeCriterion ac = (AttributeCriterion) c;
            getSearchTabBind().queueEvent(new QueryEvent(getSearchTabBind(), queryDescriptor));

use this method on any button or link to clear af:table filter

Thursday, 17 April 2014

ViewObject Validation rules for transient attributes (Model level validation in ADF)

Hello All,
this post is about model level validation for transient attributes, often we need to apply some common types of validation on transient attributes (as for negative value, for email, for phone number)
in ADF ViewObject there is a editor for validation rules for transient attributes, so now see how to use that editor and rules

  • Create a fusion web application and prepare model layer using Departments table of HR schema

  • Then create a transient attribute in viewObject and you can see that Validation Rules tab appears only in case of transient attribute

  • Now click on add icon to add new validation rule for attribute, you can see there are multiple types for that validation rule 

  • In this post i have used Compare and Regular Expression rules, suppose i have to check that value of transient attribute must not be 100 , so for that rule will be like this, and write a proper message for failure handling 

  • Now run your BC4J tester and check , a window with error message appears there in case of failure

  • You can also check this validation on your page, some more- i have added one more transient field for Email Address and applied a regular expression to validate this field (ADF by default provides regular expression for Email and Phone Number pattern for others you can use your own pattern)

  • After model level configurations , i have dropped Departments ViewObject on page as ADF form, here you can see both validation are working 

Cheers :-) Happy Learning

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Pagination in ADF table with Jdeveloper 12.1.2 (ADF 12C) - returned back

Hello All,
Pagination in ADF table was very requested feature after Jdev & ADF 10g.
now in 12C again it is here and quite simple

  • Created a fusion web application using Departments table of HR Schema and dropped it on page as ADF table

  • Now suppose i want to show pagination after 5 rows so to achieve this follow these steps
  • Select table in structure window and go to property inspector change it's scrollPolicy to page ,scrollPolicy is mechanism to scroll data inside table

  • Now select table on page and go to binding tab and select IteratorBinding of Departments table and change rangeSize to 5, by default it is 25 (means fetched 25 rows at a time)

  • Set autoheightRows to 0 and styleClass to AFStretchWidth and you are done now run your page

  • It works good in mozilla ,chrome and IE, but sometimes you can face a problem of finding current row as it may be in second page :-(