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Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Igonre null values in viewCriteria -Jdeveloper 12c (Not a bug but a change)

Hello All,
In jdev 12c there is some change in viewCriteria design window, there is a checkbox to ignore null values in criteria , in 11g release it was enabled for all values in criteria item

but in 12c it is disabled for all values of ViewCriteria bind variable

there is two different section for creating bind variable in 12c
1. ViewCriteria Bind Variable
2. Query Bind Variable(Required)
So when you create a bind var of string type in query variables.

and use it in viewCriteria , only then this 'ignore null values' checkbox will be enabled

and when you use viewCriteria bind varibles it is disabled  but sometimes you need to change it, so can change it using ViewObject xml source

  • Select ViewCriteria and go to source
  • Now change GenerateIsNullClauseForBindVars="false"  to true

 Cheers :-)

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Showing white-spaces properly in ADF table column- 11g & 12c

Hello All,
This posts talks about a requirement of showing white-spaces before any text/number in an af:table
Suppose i have , form and table of a ViewObject on page

Case 1- both table and form are editable , in this case you can see that white spaces are properly visible in both form and table

but normally in applications we have a read-only table and editable form so in this case you can see that white-spaces are not visible in table

But sometimes we need to show spaces in table same as in form so to do this select that field and go to property inspector and select component

Now set it's contentStyle (for input component as- af:inputText) or inlineStyle (for display component as- af:outputText)- white-space:pre;

now run your page and see-

 Cheers :-)

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Disabling keyboard input in af:inputDate, restrict user to use calendar only - Oracle ADF

hello all,
this tutorial is about a requirement of restricting user to enter date through calendar only in ADF application
this trick was posted by Frank Nimphius (ADF Code Corner)

  • Drop a af:inputDate component on page from component pallete

  • Now set its background color so that it looks like disabled field

  • Now to make it's input field disable, we have to write a small javascript function, copy this function and paste in your page source (XML)

  • <af:resource type="javascript">
              function enableCalendarOnly(evt) {

  • Now drop a af:clientListener under af:inputDate component to invoke javascript

  • Now set properties in af:clientListener as Method & Type

  •  Now run your page and see that input field is disabled for date component , now value can be selected using calendar only

 Cheers - Happy Learning :-)

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Hiding search icon of af:inputListOfValues using CSS & ADF Skin

Hello All,
Hope all are doing good, this post talks about skinning inputListOfValues to hide its search icon (magnifying glass)
we can use the auto-suggest feature in inputListOfValues so if we don't want to display that default search icon then what to do?

  • inputListOfValues looks like this in ADF Faces
  •  I have created a page and dropped 2 inputListOfValues on page

  •  there is 2 types of requirement about hiding search icon
    1. Hide icon of all inputListOfValues(LOVs) available on page or application
    2. Hide icon of some selected fields
  • to do this we have to create a CSS (skin) in application
  • give relevant name of CSS file and set this file as default skin of application

  • Now to hide icon of the selected inputListOfValues component in an application, go to the source of CSS file and just write this code

  • .TagSearchIconHidden af|inputListOfValues::search-icon-style
    display: none;

  • Now go to the page and paste TagSearchIconHidden in StyleClass property of lov component to hide its icon, run your page and see, I have done this in my first LOV

  •  Now to hide icons of all lov component just change CSS file with this script

  • af|inputListOfValues::search-icon-style
      background-image: none; 

  • Now no need to set StyleClass, it is applicable to all lov components of the application
 Cheers :-)

Creating new object in list (af:inputListOfValues) using 'createPopupId' feature- ADF 11g & 12c

Hello All ,
This post is about a good feature provided with inputListOfValues in ADF .
inputListOfValues is used where large and complex data is populated in list, this component supports search in list values
Suppose on opening list values you want to add one more value in list generally to do that you will  close the list and add a value in source table then again open list but this feature provide instant creation of list values

this functionality can be achieved in Combo Box with List of Values using customActions facet, i have posted about it
Create new look up data using List of Values (LOVs) in Oracle ADF

so this time it is about  inputListOfValues, see the steps to do

  • Created a fusion web application and business components  using Departments and Employees table of HR Schema

  • now i have created list of values on DepartmentId of Employees ViewObject referenced from Department ViewObject, display type is Input Text with List of Values

  •  drop Employees VO on page and run, it looks like this

  • Now i have dropped a popup on page and to create new value in list, i have dropped form of Departments ViewObject and a link to create it on dialog inside popup

  • select list of values component (Employee VO) in structure window and go to property inspector and set popUp id in a property called 'createPopupId'
  • After setting 'createPopupId' ,on running a commandToolbarButton appears in the LOV popup dialog box with a icon, this button's action triggers custom popUp (i have added before)
        on clicking on this icon-

  •  on create link i have just called createInsert for Departments ViewObject and on dialogListener , Execute

  • import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.binding.BindingContainer;
    import oracle.binding.OperationBinding;
        /**Method to get Bindings of current page
         * @return
        public BindingContainer getBindings(){
            return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        /**Method to execute OperationBinding
         * @param operation
         * @return
        public OperationBinding executeOperation(String operation){
            return getBindings().getOperationBinding(operation);
        /**Method to create new Department
         * @param actionEvent
        public void createDeptAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {

  • now created a new department using 'create' link and you can see value is appeared in list values

 Cheers :-)