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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Using Multiple Selection (selectManyListbox & selectManyCheckbox component) in ADF

Hello All ,
This tutorial is based on use of selectManyListbox & selectManyCheckbox component in ADF to enable multiple selection.
Both component are same in functionality only somewhat different in look-feel.

Follow steps to use these component -

  • Create a fusion web application and create business components for Departments table of HR Schema

  • Now create a page and drop Departments Vo from data control on page as multiple selection (checkbox or listbox) 

  • Now binding for this component is created in page-bindings, add a button on page to get total selected values

  • See how to get selected values in managed bean, JUCtrlListBinding is used to get selected values

  • import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.binding.BindingContainer;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding;   
     public BindingContainer getBindings() {
            return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        public void getSelectedValue(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            JUCtrlListBinding listBindings = (JUCtrlListBinding)getBindings().get("DepartmentsView1");
            Object str[] = listBindings.getSelectedValues();
            for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {

  • this method works for both listbox and checkbox, i have added all selected departments in a FacesMessage and displayed on page

 Select All-

And Check-box component look like this-

Complete code written on 'Get Selected Values' button-

    /**Method to get BindingContainer of page
     * @return
    public BindingContainer getBindings() {
        return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();

    /**Method to get Selected Values
     * @param actionEvent
    public void getSelectedValue(ActionEvent actionEvent) {

        JUCtrlListBinding listBindings = (JUCtrlListBinding)getBindings().get("DepartmentsView1");
        Object str[] = listBindings.getSelectedValues();
        StringBuilder saveMsg =
            new StringBuilder("<html><body><b><p style='color:red'>Selected Departments are-</p></b>");

        for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
            saveMsg.append("<li> <b>" + str[i].toString() + "</b></li>");

        FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(saveMsg.toString());
        FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);


Cheers- Download Sample

Friday, 20 December 2013

Clear Selected Values of shuttle component (Reset shuttle) programmatically-Oracle ADF

Hello All ,
you have heard about shuttle component in ADF,  it works for multiple selection
to use it -refer my previous blog post
Shuttle Component in Oracle ADF (Allow Multiple Selection)

Sometimes we need to reset shuttle (clear selected values) through our code (managed bean)
so in this post I'm going to explain how to do this with simple piece of code
  • I have created a simple jspx page and placed Departments (HR Schema) view-object on this page as an af:selectManyShuttle
  • Created managed bean for a link to clear selected indices of shuttle, see code

  •     public BindingContainer getBindings() {
            return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        /**Method to Clear selected value of shuttle (Reset Shuttle)
         * @param actionEvent
        public void resetShuttleAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            BindingContainer bc = this.getBindings();
            JUCtrlListBinding listBindings = (JUCtrlListBinding)bc.get("DepartmentsView1");

  • Now see how it works- when user click on this link ,it will clear all selected indices of shuttle

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Changing default text of af:dialog buttons (ok,cancel) in ADF

Hello All,
you all have used pop up component with af:dialog in ADF,
default dialog component look like this inside popup

in ADF there is option to change dialog type , select dialog component and go to property inspector-

But sometimes we need to change default dialog button's text as per our requirement, to do this follow steps mentioned below

  • Drag a popup having dialog as its child component on page
  • select af:dialog in structure window and go to property inspector

  • In property inspector navigate Appearance--->Text 

  • Now set values for Affirmative and cancel text 
  • Now run your application and see-

  • But it's outcome doesn't get changed as it is static, you can see this in managed bean code, i have created dialog Listener and a cancelListener in managed bean 

  • import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    public class DialogListenerBean {
        public DialogListenerBean() {
        public void dialogListener(DialogEvent dialogEvent) {
            FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("You have clicked- " + dialogEvent.getOutcome().name());
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);
        public void cancelListener(PopupCanceledEvent popupCanceledEvent) {
            FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("You have clicked- cancel");
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

  • When you click on ok and cancel (with changed text), it will return same outcome that was before changing button's text

Cheers- Merry Christmas :-)

Monday, 16 December 2013

Checking Transaction Status of DataControl for Dirty/Modified transaction in ADF

Sometimes we need to check status of data control's transaction, when we have any form or table on page ,initially transaction is not dirty (it means there is no pending changes in binding layer)

If user changes any data set on page that is populated from ADF binding layer, status of transaction is modified as now there is pending changes on page .

When user perform commit or rollback operation then again transaction status changes.

So it is necessary to have basic understanding of Transaction Status and using this we can write some better piece of codes.
Example- suppose we have a save button in our Application that performs commit operation, when user clicks on that button, every time commit gets executed but logically if there is no change in binding layer then commit must not be executed.
So we can check transaction status on this button and if there is any pending changes in ADFm binding layer or transaction is dirty only then commit will be executed

  • I have created a sample application to check this , there is departments and location ViewObjects are on page and a button to check transaction status
  • Code to check transaction status-

  • public BindingContainer getBindings(){
            return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    DCBindingContainer dcbind =(DCBindingContainer)getBindings();



  • Initially see page status there is no pending changes so transaction is not dirty

  • Now i have changed DepartmentName attribute , then clicked on Check Transaction button

  • Now when data is committed again status got changed

Friday, 6 December 2013

Show current Date and Time on Page in Oracle ADF (refresh Date/time Programmatically)

Hello All,
in this tutorial i am going to explain that how to show current date and time on your ADF application page
Follow Steps-
  • Create a fusion web application and a page in it (i have used .jspx page)
  • Now drag an output text from component palette and drop it on page

  • Now select the output text and go to its property inspector then select value from Expression Builder as shown in image
  • Now in Expression Builder ,create a Managed Bean of type java.util.Date and assign its value to output text

  •  Now run your page and see current date is there
  • Now to format Date and Time , drag and drop af:convertDateTime  under output text from component palette

  •  Select convertDateTime and go to property inspector and change its pattern and run your page

  •  Now you have done basic configuration for Date/Time, if you want to refresh time (second and minute part) on page periodically then drop a poll component in page and create a poll listener in managed bean
  • Now write this simple code in your managed bean to invoke poll listener

  •     /**Binding of Output text*/
        private RichOutputText dateBind;
        public void setDateBind(RichOutputText dateBind) {
            this.dateBind = dateBind;
        public RichOutputText getDateBind() {
            return dateBind;
        /**Poll Listener Method ,handles Poll Event
         * @param pollEvent
        public void refreshTime(PollEvent pollEvent) {

    And don't forget to set clientComponent property of outputText to true
  • Now Run your application , see in this video clip how your page get refreshed... Cheers ..!

Cheers :) Happy Learning