Tic Tac Toe or Naughty Cross is a paper-pencil game for two players and simple in concept.
I have developed a application on ADF, using JSF page and unbounded adfc-config.xml .
There is nothing to explain, see the sample application at bottom of this post
I have developed a application on ADF, using JSF page and unbounded adfc-config.xml .
There is nothing to explain, see the sample application at bottom of this post
- Tic Tac Toe game has 9 square to enter values 0 or X, so for that i have used 9 buttons and images of 0 and X
- And create a managed bean for all nine buttons, to execute proper conditions for each move
- See managed bean code and conditions for player's move(only Java Code is needed to do this)
- Download and Run this sample application-Sample ADF Application
package ticTacToeADF.view; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.nav.RichCommandButton; public class TictactoeBean { public TictactoeBean() { } private static String one = " "; private static String two = " "; private static String three = " "; private static String four = " "; private static String five = " "; private static String six = " "; private static String seven = " "; private static String eight = " "; private static String nine = " "; private static boolean check = false; private String Result = ""; private static boolean oneDis = false; private static boolean twoDis = false; private static boolean threeDis = false; private static boolean fourDis = false; private static boolean fiveDis = false; private static boolean sixDis = false; private static boolean sevenDis = false; private static boolean eightDis = false; private static boolean nineDis = false; public void Button1(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (check == false) { this.setOne("X"); check = true; this.setOneDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (one.equalsIgnoreCase(two) && two.equalsIgnoreCase(three)) { this.setResult(one + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (one.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(one + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (one.equalsIgnoreCase(four) && four.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(one + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } else { this.setOne("0"); check = false; this.setOneDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (one.equalsIgnoreCase(two) && two.equalsIgnoreCase(three)) { this.setResult(one + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (one.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(one + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (one.equalsIgnoreCase(four) && four.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(one + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } } public void Button2(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (check == false) { this.setTwo("X"); check = true; this.setTwoDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (two.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(eight)) { this.setResult(two + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (two.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(three)) { this.setResult(two + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } else { this.setTwo("0"); check = false; this.setTwoDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (two.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(eight)) { this.setResult(two + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (two.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(three)) { this.setResult(two + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } } public void Button3(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (check == false) { this.setThree("X"); check = true; this.setThreeDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(six) && six.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(three + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(three + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(two)) { this.setResult(three + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } else { this.setThree("0"); check = false; this.setThreeDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(six) && six.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(three + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(three + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(two)) { this.setResult(three + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } } public void Button4(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (check == false) { this.setFour("X"); check = true; this.setFourDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(four + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("four wins"); } else if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(six)) { this.setResult(four + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } else { this.setFour("0"); check = false; this.setFourDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(four + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("four wins"); } else if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(six)) { this.setResult(four + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } } public void Button5(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (check == false) { this.setFive("X"); check = true; this.setFiveDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (one.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(five + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (two.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(eight)) { this.setResult(five + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(six)) { this.setResult(five + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (five.equalsIgnoreCase(three) && three.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(five + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } else { this.setFive("0"); check = false; this.setFiveDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (one.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(five + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (two.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(eight)) { this.setResult(five + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(six)) { this.setResult(five + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (five.equalsIgnoreCase(three) && three.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(five + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } } public void Button6(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (check == false) { this.setSix("X"); check = true; this.setSixDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(six)) { this.setResult(six + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(six) && six.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(six + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } else { this.setSix("0"); check = false; this.setSixDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(five) && five.equalsIgnoreCase(six)) { this.setResult(six + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(six) && six.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(six + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } } public void Button7(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (check == false) { this.setSeven("X"); check = true; this.setSevenDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(four + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("four wins"); } else if (five.equalsIgnoreCase(three) && three.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(seven + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (seven.equalsIgnoreCase(eight) && eight.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(seven + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } else { this.setSeven("0"); check = false; this.setSevenDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (four.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(four + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("four wins"); } else if (five.equalsIgnoreCase(three) && three.equalsIgnoreCase(seven)) { this.setResult(seven + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (seven.equalsIgnoreCase(eight) && eight.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(seven + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } } public void Button8(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (check == false) { this.setEight("X"); check = true; this.setEightDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (eight.equalsIgnoreCase(two) && two.equalsIgnoreCase(five)) { this.setResult(eight + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("four wins"); } else if (eight.equalsIgnoreCase(seven) && seven.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(eight + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } else { this.setEight("0"); check = false; this.setEightDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (eight.equalsIgnoreCase(two) && two.equalsIgnoreCase(five)) { this.setResult(eight + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("four wins"); } else if (eight.equalsIgnoreCase(seven) && seven.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(eight + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } } public void Button9(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (check == false) { this.setNine("X"); check = true; this.setNineDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (nine.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(five)) { this.setResult(nine + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(six) && six.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(six + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (eight.equalsIgnoreCase(seven) && seven.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(eight + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } else { this.setNine("0"); check = false; this.setNineDis(true); System.out.println("Check is--------->" + check); if (nine.equalsIgnoreCase(one) && one.equalsIgnoreCase(five)) { this.setResult(nine + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (three.equalsIgnoreCase(six) && six.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(six + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } else if (eight.equalsIgnoreCase(seven) && seven.equalsIgnoreCase(nine)) { this.setResult(eight + " wins"); finishgame(); System.out.println("One wins"); } } } public void setOne(String one) { this.one = one; } public String getOne() { return one; } public void setTwo(String two) { this.two = two; } public String getTwo() { return two; } public void setThree(String three) { this.three = three; } public String getThree() { return three; } public void setFour(String four) { this.four = four; } public String getFour() { return four; } public void setFive(String five) { this.five = five; } public String getFive() { return five; } public void setSix(String six) { this.six = six; } public String getSix() { return six; } public void setSeven(String seven) { this.seven = seven; } public String getSeven() { return seven; } public void setEight(String eight) { this.eight = eight; } public String getEight() { return eight; } public void setNine(String nine) { this.nine = nine; } public String getNine() { return nine; } public void setResult(String Result) { this.Result = Result; } public String getResult() { return Result; } public void ResetButton(ActionEvent actionEvent) { this.one = " "; this.two = " "; this.three = " "; this.four = " "; this.five = " "; this.six = " "; this.seven = " "; this.eight = " "; this.nine = " "; this.check = false; this.oneDis = false; this.twoDis = false; this.threeDis = false; this.fourDis = false; this.fiveDis = false; this.sixDis = false; this.sevenDis = false; this.eightDis = false; this.nineDis = false; } public void finishgame() { this.oneDis = true; this.twoDis = true; this.threeDis = true; this.fourDis = true; this.fiveDis = true; this.sixDis = true; this.sevenDis = true; this.eightDis = true; this.nineDis = true; } public void setOneDis(boolean oneDis) { this.oneDis = oneDis; } public boolean isOneDis() { return oneDis; } public void setTwoDis(boolean twoDis) { this.twoDis = twoDis; } public boolean isTwoDis() { return twoDis; } public void setThreeDis(boolean threeDis) { this.threeDis = threeDis; } public boolean isThreeDis() { return threeDis; } public void setFourDis(boolean fourDis) { this.fourDis = fourDis; } public boolean isFourDis() { return fourDis; } public void setFiveDis(boolean fiveDis) { this.fiveDis = fiveDis; } public boolean isFiveDis() { return fiveDis; } public void setSixDis(boolean sixDis) { this.sixDis = sixDis; } public boolean isSixDis() { return sixDis; } public void setSevenDis(boolean sevenDis) { this.sevenDis = sevenDis; } public boolean isSevenDis() { return sevenDis; } public void setEightDis(boolean eightDis) { this.eightDis = eightDis; } public boolean isEightDis() { return eightDis; } public void setNineDis(boolean nineDis) { this.nineDis = nineDis; } public boolean isNineDis() { return nineDis; } }