PL/SQL Function is same as PL/SQL Procedure, The only difference is that function must return a value and a procedure may or may not return a value
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Showing posts with label SQL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SQL. Show all posts
Monday, 9 April 2018
PL/SQL Function
PL/SQL Function is same as PL/SQL Procedure, The only difference is that function must return a value and a procedure may or may not return a value
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Saturday, 7 April 2018
PL/SQL Procedure
Previously I have posted about PL/SQL Block structure , A piece of code that is organized in a properly defined sequence is called a block
PL/SQL provides two types of blocks
Function- A PL/SQL block that performs a task or set of tasks and returns a value
Procedure- A PL/SQL block that performs a task or set of tasks and may or may not return a value
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Monday, 2 April 2018
PL/SQL Exceptions
An error that occurs during execution of the program is called exception, Like other programming languages, PL/SQL offers a way to catch these exceptions and handle them.
There are two types of exceptions in PL/SQL
- System-Defined Exceptions
- User-Defined Exceptions
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Friday, 23 March 2018
PL/SQL For Loop
PL/SQL FOR loop is used when we need to execute set of statements for the specific number of times and loop operates between the start and end counter values. The counter is always incremented by one and once the counter reaches to end integer value, the loop terminates
The syntax of PL/SQL FOR Loop is like this
FOR counter_variable IN start value.. end value LOOP
statements to execute
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PL/SQL While Loop
PL/SQL WHILE loop is used to execute statements as long as given condition is true and the condition is checked at the beginning of each iteration
The syntax of PL/SQL While loop is like this
WHILE condition
statements to execute
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While Loop
PL/SQL Loops , Iterative Statement in PL/SQL
Loops are used to repeat execution of a statement or a set of statements multiple times on base of a condition or expression
EXIT and EXIT-WHEN keywords are used to terminate the loop
EXIT- terminates the loop unconditionally and passes control to the next statement after the loop
EXIT-WHEN- terminates the loop when EXIT-WHEN clause is checked and if returns true then the loop is terminated and control is passed to next statement after the loop
The basic syntax of Loop in PL/SQL is like this
Set of statements
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Thursday, 22 March 2018
PL/SQL CASE Statement, Decision Making Statement in PL/SQL
Like real life in programming sometimes we need to execute some code on a specific condition, PL/SQL CASE statement allows us to execute a sequence of instructions based on a selector (A variable, function, expression etc)
and if selector value is equal to value or expression in WHEN clause then corresponding THEN clause will execute and process the statements
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Wednesday, 21 March 2018
PL/SQL Conditions, IF-ELSE Conditional Statement
Like other programming languages, PL/SQL supports decision making statements, These statements are also called conditional statement
Basic Syntax of IF-ELSE is like this in PL/SQL
IF (Condition 1)
Statement to execute (if condition 1 is true)
ELSIF (Condition 2)
Statement to execute (if condition 2 is true)
Statement to execute (if condition 1& 2 both are false)
For a better understanding of concept look at these examples
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Friday, 9 March 2018
PL/SQL Variables and Constants
A variable in any programming language is the name of space where values are stored and controlled by our code/program
- We can not use reserve keyword as a variable name
- Variable length should not exceed 30 characters
- The variable name consists of letters followed by other letters, dollar sign, underscore and numerals
- The variable name should be clear and easy to understand
Here we'll learn how to declare and initialize variables in PL/SQL
The basic syntax for declaring a variable in PL/SQL is following
variable_name [CONSTANT] datatype [NOT NULL] [:= | DEFAULT initial_value]
Here variable_name is the identifier of variable and datatype is a valid PL/SQL datatype. CONSTANT and DEFAULT are keywords used to define constants and set default values of variables
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Tuesday, 6 March 2018
PL/SQL Tutorial - What is PL/SQL, Features and Advantages of PL/SQL
PL/SQL is developed by Oracle Corporation to increase/enhance capabilities of SQL, PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language extension to SQL . PL/SQL is highly structured and expressive language and because of its expressive syntax it is very easy to understand and learn
PL/SQL is integrated with Oracle Database and can be called from any other programming language. It is tightly integrated with SQL so it's easy to learn PL/SQL if you have knowledge of SQL
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Thursday, 27 March 2014
Executing SQL query in an ADF Application using DBTransaction & JDBC DataSource
hello all,
this post is about executing SQL query in your ADF Application
Sometimes we need to execute some query in our managed bean or any of implementation class of Model, this is quite easy
this post is about executing SQL query in your ADF Application
Sometimes we need to execute some query in our managed bean or any of implementation class of Model, this is quite easy
- I have a fusion web application having connection with hr schema of Oracle DB
- now i have to get Max Department Id of Departments Table using this statement
- So to execute this query i have created a method in AMImpl class using DBTransaction
- now called this method and passed my SQL statement
- Second way is by using JDBC DataSource , for this first we have to get Connection using DataSource Name- see this method
- Now after getting connection , we can execute SQL query using Statement or PreparedStatement
- Go to your ApplicationModule to get DataSource Name, in Configuration tab open AMLocal
/**Method to Execute DB SQL Query using DBTransaction * @param query * @return */ protected Integer executeQuery(String query) { ResultSet rs; Integer code = null; try { rs = getDBTransaction().createStatement(0).executeQuery(query); if ( { code = ((BigDecimal) rs.getObject(1)).intValue(); } rs.close(); return code; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new JboException(e); } }
Integer deptID = executeQuery("SELECT max(DEPARTMENT_ID) CODE FROM DEPARTMENTS"); System.out.println("Department Id-" + deptID);
And Output is-
/**Method to get Connection using JDBC DataSource Name * @param dsName * @return * @throws NamingException * @throws SQLException */ public static Connection getConnectionDS(String dsName) throws NamingException, SQLException { Connection con = null; DataSource datasource = null; Context initialContext = new InitialContext(); if (initialContext == null) { } datasource = (DataSource) initialContext.lookup(dsName); if (datasource != null) { con = datasource.getConnection(); } else { System.out.println("Failed to Find JDBC DataSource."); } return con; }
- Copy DataSource Name , and use it to get Connection and to execute query
- After executing see the output-
Connection con = null; try { con = getConnectionDS("java:comp/env/jdbc/APPDS"); } catch (SQLException e) { } catch (NamingException e) { } try { PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM DEPARTMENTS"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { System.out.println("Department Id-" + rs.getInt(1) + " and Department Name-" + rs.getString(2)); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new JboException(e); }
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