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Showing posts with label Programming Language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Programming Language. Show all posts

Friday, 14 December 2018

Top 20 Most Popular Technologies (Programming/Scripting Languages) in 2018

 2018 came to an end and like every year StackOverflow performed a developer community survey asking developers about their favourite technologies, learning process, location, job type, experience etc.

This survey has an opinion of more than 100,000 developers across the world and as per their survey here goes a list of top 20 most popular programming languages across the world.

Here you can see that JavaScript is the winner with 69.8% developers using it and as per StackOverflow's previous year surveys, JavaScript is the most used programming/scripting languages since last 6 years. Java is the 5th most popular programming language with 45.3% developer base.

You can also see that HTML is widely used as it is the second most popular technology. There are more backend developers (57.9%) than front-end developers (37.8%) and you'll be surprised to know that 80% of user are coding as a hobby. There are only 1.7% developers with 30+ years of experience and approx 20% of developers are student. 87% of users taught themselves a new language and framework without taking any course. Python is the fastest growing programming language, for details go through this article - The Incredible Growth of Python

Read complete Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018

Saturday, 21 July 2018

R tutorial - Introduction to R Programming

This R tutorial is designed for beginners who know the basics of programming and want to learn R programming.

R is an open-source programming language utilized for machine learning, factual examination, designs portrayal and detailing. R is unreservedly accessible under GNU General Public License. To learn R programming you ought to have an essential comprehension of any programming language.

The centre of R is an interpreted programming language that is the reason it doesn't require any compiler to run the code. R permits joining with the methodology written in the C, C++, .Net, Python or FORTRAN languages for effectiveness.

R was developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in Auckland in 1993 and supported by a group of programmers. R is the most used programming language for data analysis and statistical purposes. Like other programming languages, R supports conditional statements, looping, recursion and numerous different highlights like information representation, data visualization.

R supports number-crunching, object-oriented programming, procedural programming with functions, and has an extensive arrangement of administrators for taking care of Arrays and grids.

To start learning R programming, first of all, get R GUI Software that compiles and runs the R language.