PL/SQL is highly structured language and it's program units are written in the block of code, In this tutorial, we'll learn about basic syntax and the block structure of PL/SQL
A piece of code that is organized in a properly defined sequence is called a Block. A PL/SQL Block consists of 3 parts
<<declaration >>
--Declare Variables,Constants, Cursors and all elements
<<executable statements>>
--SQL, PL/SQL Commands
<<exception handling>>
--Code to handle the exception
So this is the basic structure of a simple PL/SQL block and a block without a name is known as Anonymous Block
Anonymous block is the simplest block and it can not be saved in DB so mostly it is used for testing and learning purpose
Let's write first PL/SQL program/block to print a message in SQL Developer
This anonymous block produces the following output
Now see another block in that we'll declare some variables and perform some calculation
DECLARE --Declare Variables a integer :=10; b integer :=20; c integer; BEGIN --Perform Calculation c:=a+b; dbms_output.put_line('Value of C is- '||c); END;
and output is
So here we have finished the first step towards learning PL/SQL. I am writing these tutorials as my personal notes so there will be more examples than theory part
Cheers :) Happy Learning
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