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Tuesday, 6 March 2018

PL/SQL Tutorial - What is PL/SQL, Features and Advantages of PL/SQL

PL/SQL is developed by Oracle Corporation to increase/enhance capabilities of SQL, PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language extension to SQL . PL/SQL is highly structured and expressive language and because of its expressive syntax it is very easy to understand and learn

PL/SQL is integrated with Oracle Database and can be called from any other programming language. It is tightly integrated with SQL so it's easy to learn PL/SQL if you have knowledge of SQL

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Enable DBMS_OUTPUT in Oracle SQL Developer

I hope all of you'll be familiar with Oracle SQL Developer tool , A tool used by database developers to perform DB related tasks efficiently

DBMS_OUTPUT package of PL/SQL enables user to show/print some debugging information and used by learners to run and check small chunks of pl/sql code

Here we'll see how to enable DBMS_OUTPUT package in SQL Developer

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Use ViewObject Query Mode for In-Memory Sorting of data in Oracle ADF

Hello All

Previously I have posted about In-Memory filtering of ViewObject by changing ViewCriteria's query execution mode, Now this post is about In-Memory sorting of records in viewObject. By default sorting and filtering in viewObject works on the rows retrieved from DB

We can change ViewObject Query mode as per our requirement, There are 3 different SQL query mode

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Export ViewObject data to Excel File Using Apache POI in Oracle ADF

Hello All

Previously I have posted about importing data in ADF Table from Excel file

This post is about exporting viewObject data in Excel file using Apache POI API, Apache POI provides HSFF and XSFF to read , create and modify spreadsheets.
You can download POI jars from The APACHE Software Foundation or from here
Other than this you need to use xmlbeans and common-collections Jar

Monday, 13 November 2017

ADF Basics: Add the row at the end of ViewObject's current RowSet in ADF

This post is about adding a row at the end of current rowset of viewObject without using table or any other UI components binding

Here I have a Department ViewObject (HR Schema), dropped as a table on page and a button to add new row, this button calls a method from model using binding layer 

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

ADF Basics: Filter ViewObject data using getFilteredRows and RowQualifier

Sometimes we need to get filtered data from ViewObject using one or multiple conditions,
Though this is the very basic of framework yet new developers find it confusing.

There are two ways of filtering ViewObject

 1. In this we apply WHERE clause on ViewObject and it affects resultSet data, Suppose we have Department ViewObject and we want to see data of DepartmentId 4 on page after filtering, for this viewCritera, bind variables comes in action
ADF Basics: Apply and Change WHERE Clause of ViewObject at runtime programmatically

2. In this user want to get filtered data (Rows) in code only without any effect on ViewObject resultSet (page data), Here I am discussing this point

We can get filtered data from view object using two methods-

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Add new row and copy existing row to HTML table using JavaScript

Hello All

This post is about adding new row in HTML table using form entry or copy existing row to table using javascript

So here I have created a HTML page, added a form, two buttons, and a table on page and it looks like this

Sunday, 23 July 2017

R Data Types - Vectors, Matrices, Lists, Factors, Data Frames

Like other programming languages, R supports many different data types. You must have seen that variables are used to store data in a program and a data type is assigned to a variable and that variable can hold only that type of data. In this post, we'll learn about R data types and R objects. Basic data types in R programming are Numeric, Integer, Character, Logical and Complex and other than this R has some unique data types that are called R Objects.

Vectors in R

A Vector is basically a set of values of the same basic data type like numeric character etc. A vector in R is created using the c() function that represents a combination of elements. See this example
# A Numeric Vector
numeric_vector <- c(10, 20, 30)

# A Character Vector
character_vector <- c("a", "b", "c")

# A Boolean Vector
boolean_vector <-c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE)
The output on R Console is 

Matrices in R

R supports Matrices and a Matrix is a collection of data values in 2 dimensions of the same basic data type, R creates a matrix of values using a matrix() function. See this example Here c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) is a numeric vector nrow is the number of rows in the matrix ncol is the number of columns in the matrix
#Create a matrix using Vector
test_matrix<-matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), nrow=3, ncol=3)
#Print matrix on console
The output on R Console is 

Arrays in R

Arrays are the same as any other programming language and in R array is same as a matrix but it can have more than two dimensions. Array in R is created using array() function and uses a vector as input and dim value to create arrays. Here dim =c(2,2,4) means that 4 arrays will be created of 2x2.
#We have two vectors here
v1 <- c(1,2,3,7,8,9)
v2 <- c(4,5,6,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)

#Create array using vectors
test_array <- array(c(v1,v2),dim = c(2,2,4))

#print the array on the console
The output on R Console is


Lists in R

A List is a set of values that can have the different basic data type, In R List is created using list() function.
#A list with different data types
#Declare a numeric vector

#Create list 
test_list<- list("Ashish Awasthi", numeric_vector, 5.3)

#Print list
The output on R Console


Factors in R

Factors are created using vectors as base and stores unique values as levels, In R Factor object is created using factor() function.
# Create a vector with duplicate values
emp_names <- c('James','Ram','James','Ashish','Ram','Ashish','James','Ram')

# Create a factor object using vector
factor_emp <- factor(emp_names)

# Print the factor object
The output on R Console is 

Data Frames in R

Data Frame is used for storing data in tables, and this tabular data can have multiple types of vectors like numeric, characters etc. Data Frame can be created using data.frame() function.
#A Character Vector
string_vector <-c("Ashish", "Awasthi","R")

#A Numeric Vector
numeric_vector <- c(10, 20, 30.5)

#A Boolean Vector
boolean_vector<- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)

# Create the data frame using all 3 vectors
test_df <- 	data.frame(string_vector,numeric_vector,boolean_vector)

#Print result
The output on R Console 

Though this post gives an idea of using variables, In the next post, we'll learn more about using variables in R programming. 

  Cheers :) Happy Learning

Monday, 17 July 2017

Reinitialise taskFlow in dynamic region and set focus to default activity

Hello All

We all use bounded task flows in ADF application development and to switch between multiple task flows we use concept of dynamic region

Recently I came across a problem about dynamic region and bounded task flows, Scenario is like this

I have dropped a BTF in dynamic region and there is a link on page to open that task flow and those who have used dynamic region would be familiar with this piece of code

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Hide values from ADF SelectOneChoice using EL expression on UI

This post is about a specific requirement that is to hide some values from adf based select one choice from UI
Previously I have posted about disabling some items from select one choice and this post uses same steps to hide values from lov

Saturday, 3 June 2017

oracle.jbo.domain.DataCreationException: JBO-25009 while using multiple selection component in ADF Faces

Previously I have posted about using multi-selection components (af:selectManyCheckbox, af:selectManyChoice, af:selectManyListbox, af:selectManyShuttle) of ADF Faces. These components make use of list binding and work on base attribute and display attribute concept

Access JAX-WS WebService from Java Class using Web Service Proxy in Jdeveloper

Web Service proxy class is a way to communicate with XML-based WebService using SOAP format,
In short, we can use service proxy class at client to access WebService

In JDeveloper IDE we can easily create client proxy class for WebService, Here in this post I am creating client proxy class to access a JAX-WS web service that I have created in previous blog post

Create POJO based JAX-WS WebService easily with Jdeveloper 12.1.3

Let's see how to implement this

Monday, 22 May 2017

Populate select one choice using Web Service Data Control in ADF Application

My previous post was about creating a JAX-WS Web Service from Java Bean and consuming web service and showing data in ADF table. Now In this post, I am going to elaborate about consuming that Web Service in ADF Application and show Employees data in selectOneChoice component

So for this requirement, We need to use Web Service Data Control and from that WSDL we can create ADF Faces components

Let's see how to implement this

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Populate data in ADF Table using Web Service Data Control

My previous post was about creating a JAX-WS Web Service from Java Bean. Now In this post, I am going to elaborate about consuming that Web Service in ADF Application and show Employees data in ADF Table

So for this requirement, We need to use Web Service Data Control and from that WSDL we can create ADF Faces components

Let's see how to implement this

Monday, 15 May 2017

Create POJO based JAX-WS WebService easily with Jdeveloper 12.1.3

Hello All

In this post, I am talking about creating a simple JAX-WS web service using Jdeveloper 12.1.3 .
JAX-WS is a Java API for XML Web Services and we can create a JAX-WS easily with Jdeveloper IDE
Idea is to create a web service that shows Employees list with their name, designation, salary and department name so for this, I am going to use POJO Java Class

Let's implement it

Friday, 12 May 2017

Understanding Nested Application Modules in Oracle ADF

Application Module acts as a container for view Object and view Link business components that are used in a specific task. It provides data model and data control to show required information and perform action for the client
An application module represents a single transaction and owns one database connection that's why commit and rollback works for all view Objects inside an application module

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Check for dirty (Uncommitted) data of current view port (page) on a button click or any event in ADF

Sometimes we need to check for uncommitted data on page and perform actions according to that, Suppose there is a button to navigate to another page but only if there is no uncommitted data in current page
We can use uncommitted data warning property of af:document to show an alert dialog but in that way, we can't execute our custom logic

Previously I have posted about checking dirty data of a transactional data control but in that, we need to check that for each data control separately that is rendering on page

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Implement contains/endswith behavior in model based autoSuggest Lov (Input list and combo box)

Hello All

Hope Everyone knows about list of values and autoSuggest beahvior of ADF Framework,
For those who are new to framework can look at this post
ADF Basics : Implementing auto suggest behavior in ADF Faces lov (list of values)

Monday, 1 May 2017

Undo row selection of af:table in selection listener method conditionally

Recently I have seen a question on OTN Jdeveloper forum and It was about table selection listener
Requirement is like this suppose user has to check a condition after selecting a row and if that condition is true only then new row will be selected else selected row should be previous one

It means undo row selection on validation(condition) failure
So In this post I am implementing same scenario and here I am using Departments table of HR Schema to prepare model and condition is that user should be able to select new row only if ManagerId is not null

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Resize FacesMessage, Change look n feel of Message Box using ADF Skin

We all must have used FacesMessage somewhere in ADF application, FacesMessage is used to show any notification like error, warning or confirmation
Here you can read more about FacesMessage

Previously I have posted about changing default icon of FacesMessage using ADF Skin now this post is about resizing FacesMessage dialog and changing it's look and feel

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Blog listed in 'Top 60 Oracle Blogs on planet' listing on Feedspot

Feedspot is modern RSS reader built especially for power users who want to save time
and they have a listed Top 60 Oracle Blogs on Planet based on following critera

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Get af:richTextEditor value without HTML formatting and tags using jsoup library

is used to format text in rich text using HTML formatting and it is used to get the formatted text. Previously I have posted about it
Cool Component - Using af:richTextEditor as text editor, HTML editor with custom toolbox in Oracle ADF

Monday, 17 April 2017

Show saved file (pdf/text/html/xml/image) content on page from database (BLOB) in ADF Application

Hello All

Previously I have posted about uploading and saving files in database blob column now this post is about showing saved file content on page using ADF Faces inline frame component

In this post I am extending same previous application, Now see how we can implement this
There are few more steps to go , See the additional steps to show file content on page-

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Oracle ADF Best Practices, Mistakes and Worst Practices

In this post I am putting some practices and that we should follow while using Oracle Application Development Framework for development

Monday, 10 April 2017

ADF Basics| Tip to Hide af:inputListOfValues search popup at runtime

Hello All

Previously I have posted about a requiremnt of  hiding af:inputListOfValues search icon using CSS
ADF Skinning | Hiding search icon of af:inputListOfValues using CSS & StyleClass

In that solution search icon doesn't appear on page but it is a part of JSF component tree so when user press TAB+SPACE after entering a value in lov component then search popup appears on screen as this action invokes search icon click event

Recently a Friend of mine came across another requirement that was not showing lov popup at all as only autoSuggest behavior was required , so for this first way is to use autoSuggest behavior in an af:inputText compoent using Lov bindings and second way is to short circuit component life cycle

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Uploading and downloading files from database (BLOB) in Oracle ADF (12.1.3)

Hello all

This post is about a very simple requirement -file handling (uploading and downloading various types of file) in ADF and it is needed very often to store file in absolute server path (actual path) and download from there and I have posted about that previously

Uploading and downloading files from absolute server path

Now this post is about uploading and saving file in database BLOB column and downloading from there
See step by step implementation -

Saturday, 1 April 2017

OTN Question: Not able to see last record in af:table when using icons (May be a bug)

Hello All

This post is about a problem that occurs sometimes in af:table when we use icon in any column, I am not sure that it is a bug or not but sometimes table is not fully stretched on first load and last row doesn't appear properly on page but after refreshing page again problem is solved.

Monday, 20 March 2017

ADF Basics: Tip for not showing record in dependent lov

Hello All

Recently I have seen a question on OTN forum - Question on cascading LOV

It was about cascading lovs in ADF
Suppose we have 2 dependent LOVs and requirement is that 2nd lov should not show any data until first one is selected , this is very simple and common use case but for beginners it's a tedious task

So I thought to write it here to help others

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Fetch Tweets of a User using Twitter4J API and show in af:table in ADF & Java

In the previous blogs we learned about posting tweets on twitter timeline using Twitter4J API and sending direct meaages to followers using same API

This post is next in the series and about fetching a user tweets and showing in ADF Table , For this requirement we need to use same Consumer Key+ Secret and Access Token+Secret (Refer previous posts for this)

And In same way after authentication we can fetch a user tweets by using it's twitter handle. So for this requirement I have added a button to fetch tweets and a POJO based table to show fetched tweets in page

See the code to fetch tweets using user's twitter handle and it's retweets and favourites count, We can get tweets by passing page number as parameter and it returns a list of tweets

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Send Direct Message to followers using Twiter4J API in Oracle ADF and Java

My previous post was about tweeting using Twitter4J API from Oracle ADF Application . Twitter4J is a Java API that simplifies accessting twitter features in our application easily

In this I am going to show how to send DM (Direct Message) to anyone using their twitter handle and for this we need to use same consumer key, secret and access token, secret (How to access all these is described in previous post)

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Post to twitter using Twitter4J API in Oracle ADF and Java

Hello All

In this post I am talking about how to post a tweet on your twitter timeline using Twitter4J Java API in your Oracle ADF Application
Using this API makes the process very simple , For accessing twitter we need Twitter API keys, It is called Consumer Key and Access Token

For this you need a twitter account and then follow these steps

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Generate permanent Facebook Page Access Token to access Graph API

Hello All,
Hope you are doing well

Earlier I have posted about using facebook graph api to get profile information, post status on facebook timeline and post as facebook page.

To Access Facebook graph API we need to use Access Token and each access token has it's expiry time (temporary access tokens) but to build an application we need a permanent access token so that our app doesn't stop working after a time and it is not very easy to get a permanent access token , there are some steps you need to follow to get one

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Post to Facebook Page Wall using restfb Graph API in ADF & Java

This is next post working with Facebook Graph API series, Previously I have posted about gettting access token and use it to get Facebook Profile detail and Posting status on your Facebook Timeline using restfb Facebook Graph API

Go through previous posts for better understanding of this blog post

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Post Status on Facebook Timeline using restfb Graph API in ADF & Java

Hello All

Previous post was about generating temporary access token and using it get Facebook profile detail usinf restfb Graph API , Go through previous post before this as graph api basics are described in that post

Now In this post I am talking about posting facebook status update so for this I am extending same sample application

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Get Facebook profile detail using restfb Graph API in Java & ADF

Facebook is most popular social networking sites now a days and influencing our life in all aspect. Facebook gives us option to use it's Graph API to access it's features programmatically, The Graph API is primary way to read and write to facebook social graph using Access Tokens

In this post I am talking about how to access Facebook profile detail using restfb graph API . So First we need to know about Acsess Tokens

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Change live application language/resource in Oracle ADF, Change XML Resource file at runtime

Hello All

I have posted about using external XML file as List resource bundle earlier , the aim of resource file is to read application static text from some source so that we can change that without compiling and redeploying application

Next requirement is to change application language , sometimes we need support multiple langauge in ADF application and it requires change in all static text so for this I am going to use separate XML resource file for different language and in this post I'll show that how to update resource file in a live running application