Simple post with very simple application-
we can covert a Numeric field format according to standard locale in ADF Faces.
when we have a numeric field on page there is a converter inside it, called af:convertNumber is extension of the standard JSF javax.faces.convert.NumberConverter.
user can change it for Integer digits , fraction digits etc. but here i am talking about format of Number(Amount), to do this follow these steps.
- Change GroupingUsed to true, by default it is true
- Now set Locale, you can do this using managed bean or simply write it here
- Managed Bean code to create Locale- private Locale format=Locale.ENGLISH;
- Now see various formats of Amount using Locale-
Using en-US-
Using fr-
Using hi-IN-for Hindi fonts
Using de-DE -
so this is the thing how you can change formatting , this can also be done by managed bean.
- Create a variable of type Locale and its getter -setter
- Use it in Locale field of af:convertNumber
- You can also set Max and Min fraction digits in af:convertNumber
public void chinaButton(ActionEvent actionEvent) { this.setFormat(Locale.CHINA); } public void frenchButton(ActionEvent actionEvent) { this.setFormat(Locale.FRENCH); } public void italianButton(ActionEvent actionEvent) { this.setFormat(Locale.ITALIAN); }