Auto Suggest behavior is best understand by
Google Instant, as in google when we type something and it starts showing
suggestion instantly.
This effect can be implemented in ADF using autoSuggestBehaviour
To use the auto-suggest functionality in a declarative way you need to
define a model-driven list of values on your model project, which will
be the base for the
suggestedItems list.
Select the Department Name attribute from the Department VO and create a
List of Values. here i am using
HR schema and predefined
table Department to implement this
- Create a Fusion Web Application
- Now create EO and VO of Department table.(Business Components)
- Now create List of values(LOVs)on DepartmentName
- Create page in ViewController and drag the DepartmentName on page as ADF Lov ChoiceList or Lov Input
- Now go to Component Palette and select Auto Suggest Behaviour and drop it inside DepartmentName Lov
- Now select af:autoSuggestBehavior from Page structure and go to PropertyInspector and Open Expression Builder at
SuggestedItems and select from bindings #{bindings.DepartmentName.suggestedItems}
if you are using different tables and Lov select according to that
- Now run your page and enjoy autosuggest behavior (ADF Instant)
Cheers :-) Happy Learning
Read Next Post in Series-
Implement contains/endswith behavior in model based autoSuggest Lov (Input list and combo box)